Inquiring Element Information

Inquiring HTML Source of an Element

Arjuna provides source code of an element using the source property.

source = element.source

# The source object can be used to get a lot of information

source.tag # Tag name
source.attrs # Attributes key-values as a dictionary
source.get_attr_value("somename") # Raises exception if attribute is not Found.
source.get_attr_value("somename", optional=True) # Returns None if attribute is not Found.
source.value # Content of 'value' attribute. Raises exception if 'value' attribute is not Found.
source.get_value() # Content of 'value' attribute. Raises exception if 'value' attribute is not Found.
source.get_value(optional=True) # Content of 'value' attribute. Returns None if attribute is not Found.

Inquiring Properties and Attributes an Element

As seen above, you can use element’s source to inquire attributes. You can also do this directly using the element:

source = element.get_attr("abc")

Browsers store more information about elements than what can be seen in HTML attributes.

Such properties can be inquired as follows:

source = element.get_property("abc")