Element State Checking and Dynamic Waiting

State Checking for an Element

Following are all the state checking methods available in GuiElement interface:

# Visibility

# Clickability

# Selected

# Checked

Dynamic Waiting

As mentioned earlier, Arjuna does a granular automatic waiting of three types:
  • Waiting for the presence of an element when it is attempting to identify a GuiElement

  • Waiting for the right state (for example, clickability of an GuiElement when you enter text or want to click it)

  • Waiting for interaction to succeed (Arjuna, for example, retries click if interaction exception is raised).

However, for many other contexts, you’ll need to make appropriate wait calls based on need.

Following are all the wait methods available in GuiElement interface:

# Visibility

# Clickability

# Selected

# Absence of an element inside this element
element.wait_until_absent(name="child") # Any Arjuna identifiers can be used here to define child element.

# Wait for child element content
element.contains(name="child") # Any Arjuna identifiers can be used here to define child element.