Gui Namespace - Externalizing Locators

After launching a GuiApp, apart from basic browser operations, most of times an automated test finds and interacts with Gui elements. If locators can be externalized outside of the code, it has a significant impact on the maintainbility of the Gui test automation implementation.

Externalizing of identifiers is built into Arjuna. The object which contains identification information and related meta-data of a Gui is referred to as GuiNamespace (GNS) in Arjuna.

The GNS File

Arjuna uses YAML as the format for externalization of identifiers. Fow now, we will discuss basic usage of the format.

Following is the high level format for simple usage:


     <locator type>: <locator data>

     <locator type>: <locator data>

     <locator type>: <locator data>
  1. This file has a YAML extension.

  2. All labels are placed under labels heading.

  3. Each label represents element identification information which can be later referenced by this label.

  4. The label should be a valid Arjuna name.

  5. In its basic usage format, the section has a key value pair for a given locator type. For example

    id: user_login
  6. Labels are treated as case-insensitive by Arjuna.

Check basic_locators to know how to externalize a specific locator.

Associating GNS File with GuiApp

Arjuna picks up GNS files relative to the defaut GNS directory: <Project Root>/guiauto/namespace. You can give the label argument while constructing a GuiApp to associate it with the GNS file as follows:

app = GuiApp(label="SomeName")

There are many advanced ways for this association, which are documented later in this doc.

Using GNS Labels in Code

You can create elements using these identifiers by using <app object>.gns.<GNS label>` syntax in your code as follows (assume **app to be the GuiApp object). For example:

element = app.gns.user_id

Arjuna uses operator overloading to tie the gns attribute to the GNS file label, locates it and creates the GuiElement.

GuiApp GNS as Fallback GNS for Pages, Sections and Widgets

The GNS file for GuiApp acts as a fallback for labels not defined in GNS of a corresponding GuiPage, GuiSection or GuiWidget.

This comes handy when there are locators that are relevant for multiple pages, sections or widgets.

This also helps to start small with externalization by putting all locators in GuiApp GNS file and then expanding the model further as you go along by creating more externalized GNS files for pages, sections and widgets.