arjuna.tpi.parser.text module

class arjuna.tpi.parser.text.DelimTextFileWithLineAsMap(fpath, *, delimiter='\t')

Bases: object

Represents a text file in Read mode to get line by line content split by defined delimiter.

The first line is treated as a header line.


fpath – Absolute path of text file.

Keyword Arguments

delimiter – (Optional) Delimiter that separates different parts of line. Default is tab ( )


You can loop over this object:

for line_parts in fobj:
    # Do something about the parts of a current line

Close the file handle.

property headers: tuple

Get header line parsed based on delimiter as a tuple.


Header line as a Python tuple object.

next() dict

Get next line parsed based on delimiter converted into a Python dictionary based on header line.


Line as a Python dict object.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.text.DelimTextFileWithLineAsSeq(fpath, *, delimiter='\t', header_line_present=True)

Bases: object

Represents a text file in Read mode to get line by line content split by defined delimiter.


fpath – Absolute path of text file.

Keyword Arguments
  • delimiter – (Optional) Delimiter that separates different parts of line. Default is tab ( )

  • header_line_present – (Optional) If True, the first line is treated as a header line.


You can loop over this object:

for line_parts in fobj:
    # Do something about the parts of a current line

Close the file handle.

property headers: tuple

Get header line parsed based on delimiter as a tuple.


Header line as a Python tuple object. None if header line is not present.

next() tuple

Get next line parsed based on delimiter as a tuple.


Line as a Python tuple object.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.text.Text(text, *fargs, **fnargs)

Bases: str, arjuna.tpi.engine.asserter.AsserterMixIn

Arjuna representation of a String. Provides factory methods for dealing with reading text file content in various forms.

  • text – Input string. If a non-string object is provided it str(text) is called.

  • fargs – Arbitrary positional arguments for formatting the string.

Keyword Arguments

fnargs – Arbitrary named arguments (keworg arguments) for formatting the string.

assert_contains(sub_str, *, msg)
property content
classmethod delimited_file(fpath, *, delimiter='\t', header_line_present=True) DelimTextFileWithLineAsMap OR DelimTextFileWithLineAsSeq

Represents a text file in Read mode to get line by line content split by defined delimiter.


fpath – Absolute path of text file.

Keyword Arguments
  • delimiter – (Optional) Delimiter that separates different parts of line. Default is tab ( )

  • header_line_present – (Optional) If True, the DelimTextFileWithLineAsMap is created, else DelimTextFileWithLineAsSeq is created to represent the file.


You can loop over the returned object:

for line in fobj:
    # Do something about the parts of a current line

The line is a tuple of parts for DelimTextFileWithLineAsSeq object and is a dictionary for DelimTextFileWithLineAsMap object.


You must explicitly close the returned object by calling its close() method.

classmethod file_content(fpath) str

Get content of a text file.


fpath – Absolute path of text file.


Content of text file as Python str object.

classmethod file_lines(fpath) arjuna.tpi.parser.text.TextFileAsLines

Get a reader for text file in Read mode to get line by line content.


fpath – Absolute path of text file.


Arjuna’s TextFileAsLines object.


You must explicitly close the returned object by calling its close() method.

find(sub[, start[, end]]) int

Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.

Return -1 on failure.

format(*fargs, **fnargs)

Format the string using provided named and keyword arguments.

Positional arguments are used to format $$ placeholders as per the order in which they are found.

Keyword/named arguments are used to format $<name>$ placeholders. Order does not matter.

Supports C/L/R queries as names of placeholders.

The provided features are very advanced. Refer Arjuna documentation for use cases and examples.


fargs – Arbitrary positional arguments for formatting the string.

Keyword Arguments

fnargs – Arbitrary named arguments (keworg arguments) for formatting the string.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.text.TextFile(fpath)

Bases: object

Represents a text file in Read mode.


fpath – Absolute path of text file.


Close the file handle.

read() str

Read contents of text file.


Content of text file as a Python str object.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.text.TextFileAsLines(fpath, **formatters)

Bases: object

Represents a text file in Read mode to get line by line content.


fpath – Absolute path of text file.

Keyword Arguments

**formatters – Arbitrary key-value arguments to format a line before returning.


You can loop over this object:

for line in fobj:
    # Do something about the content

Close the file handle.

next() str

Get next line.


Line as a Python str object.