arjuna.tpi.parser.json module

Classes to assist in JSON Parsing.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.json.Json

Bases: object

Helper class to create Arjuna’s Json elements.

classmethod assert_dict_type(obj, *, msg)

Assert that the provided object is a Python dict or JsonDict object.

Keyword Arguments

msg – Purpose of this assertion.

classmethod assert_list_type(obj, *, msg)

Assert that the provided object is a Python list or JsonList object.

Keyword Arguments

msg – Purpose of this assertion.

classmethod extract_schema(jobj_or_str) arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonSchema

Extracts schema from provide Json object or string to create a JsonSchema object.


jobj_or_str – JsonDict/JsonList or a Python list/dict or a string representing a Python object

classmethod from_file(file_path: str, *, allow_any: bool = False) JsonDictOrList

Creates a Json object from file.


file_path – Absolute path of the json file.

Keyword Arguments

allow_any – If True, if the object can not be coverted to a JsonDict/JsonList, same object is returned, else an Exception is raised.


Arjuna’s JsonDict or JsonList object or the same object for allow_any = True

classmethod from_iter(iter) arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonList

Creates a Json object from Python iterator.


iter – Python iterable


Arjuna’s JsonList object

classmethod from_map(map: dict) arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonDict

Creates a JsonDict object from Python dictionary.


map – Python dict


Arjuna’s JsonDict object

classmethod from_object(jobj, *, allow_any=False)

Convert a Python object to a JsonDict/JsonList object if applicable.

Any iterable which is not a dict is converted to a JsonList.


jobj – dict/list/tuple/set or a compatible Python object.

Keyword Arguments

allow_any – If True, if the object can not be coverted, same object is returned, else an Exception is raised.

classmethod from_str(jstr: str, *, allow_any: bool = False) JsonDictOrList

Creates a Json object from a JSON string.


jstr – A string representing a compatible Python object.

Keyword Arguments

allow_any – If True, if the object can not be coverted to a JsonDict/JsonList, same object is returned, else an Exception is raised.


Arjuna’s JsonDict or JsonList object or the same object for allow_any = True

classmethod reset_auto_id_key()

Set Auto ID Key for jsonpath lib to None. Has global impact.

classmethod set_auto_id_key(key='id')

Set Auto ID Key for jsonpath lib to provided key.


key – Name of key. Default is id

class arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonDict(pydict: dict = None)

Bases: arjuna.tpi.helper.arjtype._ArDict, arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonElement

Encapsulates Dictionary object in Json.


pydict – Python dict.


Supports dictionary methods as well as . access for key.

Also supports == operator. Right operand can be a Python dict or a JsonDict or a YamlDict or any custom DataEntity object.

assert_contents(*, msg, **key_values)

Assert that the values of provided keys match in the root of this dict.

  • msg – Purpose of this assertion.

  • **key_values – Arbitrary key-value pairs to match in the root of this dict.

assert_keys_present(*keys, msg)

Assert that the provided keys are present in the root of this dict.

  • msg – Purpose of this assertion.

  • **keys – Key names to assert

assert_match(jobj, *, msg, ignore=None)

Assert that this JsonDict matches the provided object.


jobj – Python dict/JsonDict

Keyword Arguments
  • msg – Purpose of this assertion.

  • ignore – jpath to be ignored while matching

assert_match_schema(jobj, *, msg)

Assert that this JsonDict matches the schema of provided object.


jobj – Json string or Python dict/JsonDict

Keyword Arguments

msg – Purpose of this assertion.

assert_schema(schema, *, msg)

Assert that this JsonDict matches the provided schema.


schema – Python dict schema or JsonSchema object.

Keyword Arguments

msg – Purpose of this assertion.


Check if this JsonDict matches the provided schema


schema – Python dict schema or JsonSchema object.


A 2-element tuple (True/False, List of error strings in matching)

property raw_object

A copy of the Python dict that this object wraps.

property schema: arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonSchema

Schema of this object.

property size

Number of key-value pairs in this object.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonElement(container)

Bases: arjuna.tpi.engine.asserter.AsserterMixIn, arjuna.tpi.engine.asserter.IterableAsserterMixin

Abstract Json Element. Base class for JsonList and JsonDict.

find(query) Any

Find first element with JsonPath.


query – JsonPath Query string


A Json element.

findall(query) list

Find all elements with JsonPath query.


query – JsonPath Query string


python list of found Json elements.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonList(pylist: list)

Bases: arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonElement

Encapsulates a list object in Json.


pylist – Python list


Supports indexing just like a Python list.

Also supports == operator. Right operand can be a Python list or a JsonList or a YamlList object.


Append object to the end of the JsonList.


Extend JsonList by appending elements from the iterable.

pop(index=- 1)

Remove and return item at index (default last).

property raw_object

A copy of the Python list that this object wraps.

property size

Number of objects in this list.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonSchema(schema_dict)

Bases: object

Encapsulates Json Schema which can be used to validate Json objects.


Allow None as a value type for the provided keys in the root of Json Schema.


*keys – Arbitrary key names

as_dict() dict

Get this object as a Python dict.

classmethod builder(*, schema_uri=None)

Create a JsonSchemaBuilder.

Keyword Arguments

schema_uri – URI to be set for ‘$schema’ key.


Mark the provided keys as optional in the root of Json Schema.


*keys – Arbitrary key names


Set allowed values.


*values – Arbitrary allowed values.


Set maximum occurances.


number – Upper limit for occurances.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.json.JsonSchemaBuilder(*, schema_uri=None)

Bases: object

JsonSchema builder class.

Keyword Arguments

schema_uri – URI to be set for ‘$schema’ key.


Create JsonSchema based on the building constructs provided till this point.


Add schema based on an object to the overall schema.

Call multiple times to add more objects.


jobj_or_str – JsonDict/JsonList or a Python str/list/dict.


Add schema to the overall schema.

Call multiple times to add more schema.


schema – Json schema dict


Add schema based on an object string to the overall schema.

Call multiple times to add more objects.


jstr – A string representing a Python object.