arjuna.tpi.error module

Arjuna Exceptions

This module defines Exception classes that represent different types of run-time issues that can happen. The exceptions encapsulate the underlying exception message and stack traces.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.ArjunaOptionValidationError(option, name, validator, emsg=None)

Bases: Exception

exception arjuna.tpi.error.ConfigCreationError(msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in the creation of a configuration object.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.DisallowedArjunaOptionError(stage, option)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an attempt to set an ArjunOption value in a configuration stage, where it is not allowed to override the value.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiLabelNotPresentError(gns_name, label, context=None, msg=None)

Bases: Exception

Raised when a non-existing GNS label is referenced.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiNamespaceLoadingError(gui, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is a problem with loading a GNS file.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiNotLoadedError(gui, msg)

Bases: arjuna.core.error.WaitableError

Raised when there is a problem at any step of Arjuna’s Gui Loading Protocol.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiWidgetDefinitionError(msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is a problem in the way GuiWidgetDefinition is specified in the arguments.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiWidgetForLabelNotPresentError(gui, label, message=None)

Bases: Exception

Raised when a GuiWidget corresponding to a GNS label is NOT found. Involves Dynamic Waiting for presence.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiWidgetForLabelPresentError(gui, label, message=None)

Bases: Exception

Raised when a GuiWidget corresponding to a GNS label is unexpectedly found. Involves Dynamic Waiting for absence.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiWidgetNotPresentError(gui, wmd, message=None)

Bases: Exception

Raised when a GuiWidget is NOT found using a GuiWidgetDefinition object. Involves Dynamic Waiting for presence.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.GuiWidgetPresentError(gui, wmd, message=None)

Bases: Exception

Raised when a GuiWidget is unexpectedly found using a GuiWidgetDefinition object. Involves Dynamic Waiting for absence.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.HttpConnectError(request, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is a connection error.

property request
exception arjuna.tpi.error.HttpRequestCreationError(msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in creating an HTTP request.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.HttpSendError(request, response, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in sending an HTTP request.

property request
property response
exception arjuna.tpi.error.HttpUnexpectedStatusCodeError(request, response, *, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when the HTTP status code for a request does not match expected status code(s).

property request
property response
exception arjuna.tpi.error.InvalidTestSessionDefError(*, session_name, sessions_file_path, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in the definition of a test session.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.InvalidTestStageDefError(*, session_name, stage_name, stages_file_path, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in the definition of a test stage.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.SEAMfulActionFileError(action_obj, *, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in locating file for SEAMful Action for HTTP Automation.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.SEAMfulMessageFileError(msg_obj, *, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in locating file for SEAMful Message for HTTP Automation.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.TestDecoratorError(func_qual_name, msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in @test decorator for a given test function.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.TestGroupsFileNotFoundError(*, file_path)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there run-session/run-stage/run-group CLI sommand is used and groups.yaml does not exist at <Project Root Dir>/config directory.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.TestSelectorNotFoundError

Bases: Exception

Test Selector object was not found for current thread (and for current test group creation.)

Every Test Group is run in a thread either sequentially or parallely.

A Test Selector object is supposed to be created for every test group.

This exception is raised when Arjuna is not able to find the registered test Selector object for current thread.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.TestSessionsFileNotFoundError(*, file_path)

Bases: Exception

Raised when run-session CLI sommand is used and sessions.yaml does not exist in <Project Root Dir>/config directory.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.TestStagesFileNotFoundError(*, file_path)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there run-session/run-stage CLI sommand is used and stages.yaml is does not exist in <Project Root Dir>/config directory.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.UndefinedConfigError(referred_conf_name, defined_conf_names)

Bases: Exception

Raised when a configurtion is a referenced by its name in code, externalized files or configuration query.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.UndefinedTestGroupError(*, name, file_path)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is no definition for a name used as test group name.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.UndefinedTestSessionError(*, name, file_path)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is no definition for a name used as test session name.

exception arjuna.tpi.error.UndefinedTestStageError(*, name, file_path)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is no definition for a name used as test stage name.