Test Selection Rules


Arjuna provides an advanced approach to test selection using its selection rule grammar.

The rules can be specified in the command line as well in Test Group definitions.

The rules are executed on the following:

  • Built-in Test Attributes

  • Built-in Tag Continers

  • User-defined Properties

Inclusion vs Exclusion Rules

The rules are categorized based on their inclusion effect:

Inclusion rules / irule

  • If the specified rule matches, it leads to inclusion of a test function, or next level of checks (see next section).

  • Specified as irule

Exclusion rules / erule

  • If the specified rule matches, it leads to exclusion of a test function.

  • Specified as erule

Any number of these rules can be specified in CLI or test group definition.

Rules Grammar

Boolean Pattern Rule

Simple Pattern for Boolean test attributes.

not unstable

Iterable Pattern Rule

Simple Pattern for presence/absence of strings in iterables.

with tags a,b
withall tags a,b
without tags a,b
  • with keyword means an iterable that contains ANY of the provided names.

  • withall keyword means an iterable that contains ALL of the provided names.

  • without keyword means an iterable that DOESNOT contain ANY of the provided names.

You can use singular version as well - tag/bug/env for built-in containers.

Test Attribute Pattern Rule

Pattern for executing a condition on an attribute value. This is the most advanced of all the patterns.

author is Rahul

It follows the structure:

attr operator value

When this rule is executed, it extracts the value of mentioned attribute for the test object and then compares it with the value using the operator defined.

Following is the list of all operators:

  • is/eq/=: Is Equal

  • not/!=/ne: Not Equal

  • matches/~=: Matches (case insensitive)

  • !~=: Does not match (case insensitive)

  • *= Partial Match (case insensitive)

  • !*= No Partial Match (case insensitive)

  • lt/<: Less Than

  • le/<=: Lesser or Equal

  • gt/>: Greater Than

  • ge/>=: Greater or Equal

Rule applicability:

  • Strings allow all operators.

  • Numbers don’t allow matching related operators.

  • Booleans allow only equal/no equal operators. Better to use Boolen Pattern.

  • Operators can be contextual. For example, for priority, priority 1 is higher than priority 2. Arjuna considers this in rule evaluation rather than treating it as just another integer.

Using Custom Test Selection Rules

Arjuna defines an advanced grammar for selection of tests with its Test Selection Rules (the linked page describes the rules grammar in detail.)

You can supply one or more selection rules in command line or write them in a group definition.


In CLI, you can provide the following switches to provide rules:
  • --irule

  • --erule

Any number of the above switches can be provided. Following are some examples:

Boolean Pattern Rule Example

--irule unstable --irule "not reviewed"

Iterable Pattern Rule Example

--irule "with tags a,b" --irule "without tags x,y"

Test Attribute Pattern Rule Example

--irule "author is Rahul" --irule "priority < 3"

Group Definition in groups.yaml

You can also add rules to the group definition in groups.yaml.

Any number of such rules can be added.

Following are some examples where sample_group is the group name.

Boolean Pattern Rule Example

        - "unstable"
        - "not reviewed"

Iterable Pattern Rule Example

        - "with tags slow"
        - "without tags x,y"

Test Attribute Pattern Rule Example

        - "author is Rahul"
        - "priority < 3"

Shortcut Rules for Test Package, Module and Function Names

A very common use case for test selection is based on packahe, module and/or function names.

Given the common usage of these in test automation world, Arjuna provides shortcut rules for these.

These can be provided using Command Line (refer Running Tests Based on Selection Rules) as well as in Group Definitions (refer Running Tests Based on Test Group Definition).

ipack: Include Package

  • Internally translates to partial match for package test attribute: package *= pkg_name_or_pattern

epack: Exclude Package

  • Internally translates to unsuccessful partial match for package test attribute: package !*= pkg_name_or_pattern

imod: Include Module

  • Internally translates to partial match for module test attribute: module *= module_name_or_pattern

emod: Exclude Module

  • Internally translates to unsuccessful partial match for module test attribute: module !*= module_name_or_pattern

itest: Include Test

  • Internally translates to partial match for name test attribute: name *= function_name_or_pattern

etest: Exclude Test

  • Internally translates to unsuccessful partial match for name test attribute: name !*= function_name_or_pattern

Rule Evaluation Sequence

Arjuna follows a specific order in evaluating rules:

Rules are segregated as package, module and test rules (inclusion/exclusion).

Following is the test selection process as per Arjuna rules:

  1. Package check: Specified using ipack/epack or irule/erule with “package operator operand” grammar.
    • if package for a test meets an exclusion rule, it is excluded.

    • if no inclusion rule is specified, it is included for module validation.

    • if an inclusion rule is met, it is selected for module validation.

    • if no inclusion rule is met, it is excluded.

  2. Module check: Specified using imod/emod or irule/erule with “module operator operand” grammar.
    • if module for a test meets an exclusion rule, it is excluded.

    • if no inclusion rule is specified, it is included for test validation.

    • if an inclusion rule is met, it is selected for test validation.

    • if no inclusion rule is met, it is excluded.

  3. Test check: Specified using itest/etest or irule/erule with any rule grammar except “package operator operand” and “module operator operand”.
    • if a test meets an exclusion rule, it is excluded.

    • if no inclusion rule is specified, it is included in test group run.

    • if an inclusion rule is met, it is included in test group run.

    • if no inclusion rule is met, it is excluded from test group run.


At a selection level (package/module/test), the rules are evaluated as an OR condition.

This means for example, if a test matches any of the inclusion rules, it will be selected. Similarly, if it matches any of the exclusion rules, it will be de-selected.