arjuna.tpi.parser.xml module

Classes to assist in XML Parsing.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.NodeLocator(*, tags: strOrSequence = None, text=None, attrs={}, **attr_kwargs)

Bases: object

Locator for finding an XML Node in an XmlNode.

Keyword Arguments
  • tags – (Optional) Descendant tags for the node. Can be a string of single or multiple tags or a list/tuple of tags.

  • text – Partial text content.

  • attrs – Arbitrary attributes as a dictionary. Use this when the attr names are not valid Python names.

  • **attr_kwargs – Arbitrary number of key value pairs representing attribute name and value. The values here will override those in attr_dict if there is an overlap of name(s).


Exception – If neither tag nor an attribute is provided.


You can use tag and attributes in combination.

Supports nested node finding.

search_node(node: arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode) tuple

Search XmlNode objects that match this locator in the provided XmlNode object.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.Xml

Bases: object

Helper class to create XmlNode objects.

classmethod from_file(file_path: str) arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode

Creates an XmlNode from file.


file_path – Absolute path of the json file.


Arjuna’s XmlNode object

classmethod from_lxml_element(element, clone=False) arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode

Create an XmlNode from an lxml element.


elementlxml element

classmethod from_str(xml_str)

Create an XmlNode from a string.

classmethod node_locator(*, tags: strOrSequence = None, text=None, attrs={}, **attr_kwargs)

Create a locator for finding an XML Node in an XmlNode.

Keyword Arguments
  • tags – (Optional) Descendant tags for the node. Can be a string of single or multiple tags or a list/tuple of tags.

  • text – Partial text content.

  • attrs – Arbitrary attributes as a dictionary. Use this when the attr names are not valid Python names.

  • **attr_kwargs – Arbitrary number of key value pairs representing attribute name and value. The values here will override those in attr_dict if there is an overlap of name(s).


Exception – If neither tag nor an attribute is provided.


You can use tag and attributes in combination.

Supports nested node finding.

class arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode(node)

Bases: object

Represents a single node in a parsed XML.


nodelxml Element object.

as_str(normalize=False) str

String representation of this node.

normalize: If True all new lines are removed and more than one conseuctive space is converted to a single space.

attr(name) str

Value of an attribute of this node.

property attrs: arjuna.tpi.helper.arjtype.CIStringDict

All Attributes of this node as a dictionary.

property children: Tuple[arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode]

All Children of this node as a Tuple of XmlNodes

clone() arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode

Create a clone of this XmlNode object.

find(*node_locators, strict: bool = False) arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode

Find first XmlNode that match one of more NodeLocator s.


*node_locators – One or more NodeLocator s

Keyword Arguments

strict – If True, the call raises an exception if element is not found, else returns None

find_keyvalue_texts(key_locator, value_locator) Tuple[str, str]

Returns texts of first XmlNodes for a pair of NodeLocator s

  • key_locatorNodeLocator (for key)

  • value_locator – First NodeLocator (for value)


2-element tuple containing the text strings.

find_with_xpath(xpath, position=1)

Find nth XmlNode that matches an XPath.

  • xpath – XPath string

  • position – XPath index. Default is 1.

findall(*node_locators, stop_when_matched: bool = False) List[arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode]

Find all XmlNodes that match one of more NodeLocator s.


*node_locators – One or more NodeLocator s

Keyword Arguments

stop_when_matched – If True, the call returns nodes found by the first NodeLocator that locates one or more nodes. Default is False.


List of XmlNode s. In case of no match, empty list is returned.

findall_with_xpath(xpath) List[arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode]

Find all XmlNodes that match an XPath.

property following_sibling: arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode

The XmlNode after this node at same hierarchial level.

get_inner_xml(normalize=False) str

Inner XML of this node.

Keyword Arguments

normalize – If True, empty lines are removed between children nodes.

get_text(normalize: bool = False) str

Text of this node.

Keyword Arguments

normalize – If True, all extra space is trimmed to a single space.


Check if an attribute is present.

property inner_xml: str

Unaltered inner XML of this node

All links in the XML.

property node

Wrapped lxml Element

Not supposed to be used directly.

property normalized_inner_xml: str

Normalized inner XML of this node, with empty lines removed between children nodes.

property normalized_source: str

String representation of this node with all new lines removed and more than one conseuctive space converted to a single space.

property normalized_text: str

Text of this node with all extra space trimmed to a single space.

property parent: arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode

Parent XmlNode

property preceding_sibling: arjuna.tpi.parser.xml.XmlNode

The XmlNode before this node at same hierarchial level.

remove_all_children() None

Remove all children nodes from this node.

property source: str

Unalereted string representation of this node.

property tag: str

Tag of the node.

property text: str

Unaltered text of the node.

property texts: list

List of Texts of the node.


Multiple texts are stored separately.

All unique links in the XML.

property value: str

Value of an ‘value’ attribute of this node.