arjuna.tpi.httpauto.http module

class arjuna.tpi.httpauto.http.Http

Bases: object

The Facade class for HTTP Automation.

class auth

Bases: object

HTTP Authentication Builder

classmethod basic(*, user, pwd)

Create an HTTP Basic Authentication object.

classmethod digest(*, user, pwd)

Create an HTTP Basic Authentication object.

class content

Bases: object

classmethod blank(content='')

Send empty content. Content-Type is sent as “text/html”

classmethod bytes(content='')

Send bytes string. Content-Type is sent as “text/html”

classmethod custom(content, *, type)

Send content with a custom content type.

classmethod file(field_name, file_name, *, content_type='text/plain', headers=None)

Upload a file and send as multipart data. Content-Type is sent as the content type got from multipart encoding.

classmethod get_content_type(handler_method)
classmethod html(content=<arjuna.tpi.helper.arjtype.NotSet object>)

Send HTML content. Content-Type is sent as “text/html”

classmethod json(content=<arjuna.tpi.helper.arjtype.NotSet object>)

Send a dictionary of key-values as JSON. Content-Type is sent as “application/json”

classmethod multipart(*fields)

Send the provided HTTP fields as multipart data. Content-Type is sent as the content type got from multipart encoding.

classmethod text(content=<arjuna.tpi.helper.arjtype.NotSet object>)

Send HTML content. Content-Type is sent as “text/html”

classmethod urlencoded(content=<arjuna.tpi.helper.arjtype.NotSet object>)

Send a dictionary of key-values in URL encoded format. Content-Type is sent as “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

classmethod utf8(content='')

Send UTF-8 string. Content-Type is sent as “text/html”

classmethod xml(content='')

Send an XML string as XML. Content-Type is sent as “application/xml

classmethod field(name, value, is_file=False, content_type='text/plain', headers=None)
classmethod oauth_auth_code_grant_service(*, name='anon', url, client_id, scope, redirect_uri=None, auth_url, auth_handler=None, token_url, **auth_args)

Create OAuthAuthCodeGrantService object.

Creates token using OAuth’s Auth Code Grant Type. Uses MobileApplicationClient from requests_oauthlib.

Keyword Arguments
  • url – Base URL for this HTTP session. If relative path is used as a route in sender methods like .get, then this URL is prefixed to their provided routes.

  • client_id – Client ID

  • scope – Scope

  • redirect_uri – Redirect URI

  • auth_url – Authorization URL

  • auth_handler – A callback function to handle custom authroization logic. It will be called by providing session object, authorization URL and auth_args.

  • token_url – Token URL

  • **auth_args – Arbitray key-value pairs to be passed as arguments to the auth_handler callback.


Some sample auth_handler signatures:

auth_handler_1(oauth_session, auth_url, **kwargs)
auth_handler_2(oauth_session, auth_url, some_arg=None, another_arg="some_def_value")
classmethod oauth_client_grant_service(*, name='anon', url, client_id, client_secret, token_url)

Create OAuthClientGrantService object.

Creates token using OAuth’s Resource Owner Client Credentials Grant Type. Uses BackendApplicationClient from requests_oauthlib.

Keyword Arguments
  • url – Base URL for this HTTP session. If relative path is used as a route in sender methods like .get, then this URL is prefixed to their provided routes.

  • client_id – Client ID

  • client_secret – Client Secret

  • token_url – Token URL

classmethod oauth_implicit_grant_service(*, name='anon', url, client_id, scope, redirect_uri=None, auth_url, auth_handler=None, **auth_args)

Create OAuthImplicitGrantService object.

Creates token using OAuth’s Implicit Code Grant Type. Uses MobileApplicationClient from requests_oauthlib.

Keyword Arguments
  • url – Base URL for this HTTP session. If relative path is used as a route in sender methods like .get, then this URL is prefixed to their provided routes.

  • client_id – Client ID

  • scope – Scope

  • redirect_uri – Redirect URI

  • auth_url – Authorization URL

  • auth_handler – A callback function to handle custom authroization logic. It will be called by providing session object, authorization URL and auth_args.

  • **auth_args – Arbitray key-value pairs to be passed as arguments to the auth_handler callback.


Some sample auth_handler signatures:

auth_handler_1(oauth_session, auth_url, **kwargs)
auth_handler_2(oauth_session, auth_url, some_arg=None, another_arg="some_def_value")
classmethod proxy(host='localhost', port=8080)

Create a proxy dict.

  • host – Proxy host name/IP. Default is localhost

  • port – Proxy network port. Default is 8080

classmethod service(*, name='anon', url=None, oauth_token=None, request_content_handler=None, headers=None, max_redirects=None, auth=None, proxy=None)

Create an HTTP Service representing SEAMful automation in Arjuna.

Keyword Arguments
  • name – Name of service. Should have a corresponding named directory in Project root/httpauto/service directory. If not provided then the name is set to anon and root directory is set to Project root/httpauto.

  • url – Base URL for this HTTP session. If relative path is used as a route in sender methods like .get, then this URL is prefixed to their provided routes.

  • oauth_token – OAuth 2.0 Bearer token for this service.

  • request_content_handler – Default content type handler for requests sent in this service. Overridable in individual sender methods. Default is Http.content.urlencoded.

  • headers – HTTP headers to be added to request headers made by this service.

  • max_redirects – Maximum number of redirects allowed for a request. Default is 30.

  • auth – HTTP Authentication object: Basic/Digest.

  • proxy – Proxies dict to be associated with this service.