arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.multielement module

class arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.multielement.GuiMultiElement(gui, wmd, elements=None, dispatcher=None)

Bases: arjuna.tpi.engine.asserter.AsserterMixIn, arjuna.tpi.engine.asserter.IterableAsserterMixin, arjuna.tpi.guiauto.base.locatable.Locatable,

Represents multiple GuiElements found using a same GuiWidgetDefinition.

Not meant to be directly created. It is created using calls from Gui object or GuiNamespace object of Gui.

  • guiGui object containing this GuiMultiElement.

  • wmd – GuiElementMetaData object.

  • elements – (optional) List of GuiElements to populate this object instead of locating it.


It supports an index based retrieval of a contained GuiElement:


It also supports looping:

for element in multi_element:
    some element code
are_selected() bool

Check if all GuiElements in this GuiMultiElement are in selected state.

property elements

List of GuiElements in this GuiMultiElement

property filter

GuiMultiElementFilter object for this GuiMultiElement

property first_element: arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

First GuiElement in this GuiMultiElement.

property first_selected_element: arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

First GuiElement which is in selected state.

get_element_at_ordinal(ordinal: int) arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

Get GuiElement at an ordinal (position) in this GuiMultiElement.

Ordinals are as per human counting. First element is at ordinal 1.

get_element_by_value(value: str) arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

Get GuiElement in this GuiMultiElement whose value attribute content is as supplied.


value – Value attribute content of this target GuiElement.

get_element_by_visible_text(text: str) arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

Get GuiElement in this GuiMultiElement whose text is as supplied.


text – Text of this target GuiElement.

has_index_selected(index: int) arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

Check if GuiElement at the given index is in selected state.


Check if GuiElement at the given ordinal is in selected state.

Ordinals are as per human counting. First element is at ordinal 1.

property last_element: arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

Last GuiElement in this GuiMultiElement.

property length: int

Number of GuiElements in this object.

property random_element: arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.element.GuiElement

A GuiElement chosen at random from GuiElments in this GuiMultiElement.

property size: int

Number of GuiElements in this object.

property source: arjuna.tpi.guiauto.source.multielement.GuiMultiElementSource

GuiSource for this GuiMultiElement.

class arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.multielement.GuiMultiElementFilter(gui_multi_element)

Bases: object

Build a new GuiMultiElement by filtering an existing one.


gui_multi_element – Existing GuiMultiElement object.

active() self

Choose only active/non-stale GuiElement s.


Current GuiMultiElementFilter object

attr(name) self

Choose only GuiElement objects which contain the given attribute.


name – Name of attribute


Current GuiMultiElementFilter object

attr_value(name, value) self

Choose only GuiElement objects which contain the given attribute and its value.

  • name – Name of attribute

  • value – Full or partial content of the given attribute


Current GuiMultiElementFilter object

build() arjuna.tpi.guiauto.widget.multielement.GuiMultiElement

Build a new GuiMultiElement.

text(text) self

Choose only GuiElement objects whose text contains the text provided.


text – Full or partial text.


Current GuiMultiElementFilter object

value(value) self

Choose only GuiElement objects whose value attribute matches the value argument provided.


value – Full or partial content of value attribute.


Current GuiMultiElementFilter object

visible() self

Choose only visible GuiElement objects.


Current GuiMultiElementFilter object