arjuna.tpi.guiauto.model.gns module

class arjuna.tpi.guiauto.model.gns.GNS(gui_or_element, gui_def)

Bases: object

Gui Namespace object associated with a Gui or GuiElement.

Not meant to be directly created. Available as gns property of a Gui.

  • gui_or_elementGui or GuiElement object.

  • gui_def – Gui Definition


To locate a GUI Widget using GNS object, you can use the . notation. For example:


This will locate the GuiWidget using the GuiWidgetMetaData corresponding to following entry in GNS file:

        <metdata dictionary>

gui.gns will locate it in the root GuiWidget of Gui if available and allowed.

some_element.gns.some_label will do a nested locating inside some_element.


Check whether this GuiAppContent object contains a GuiWidget corresponding to any of the GNS labels. Includes dynamic waiting.

Keyword Arguments

*labels – One or more GNS labels.


By default Wait is done until ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in the Configuration object associated with this GuiAppContent.

You can provide max_wait key-value for GNS label(s) in GNS file to change this. Value is considered in seconds.

formatter(**fargs) arjuna.tpi.guiauto.meta.formatter.GNSLabelFormatter

Create a GNSLabelFormatter object.

Keyword Arguments

**fargs – Arbitrary key-value pairs to be used for formatting identifiers in GuiWidgetDefinition.


Wait until GuiWidget corresponding to any of the GNS labels is present.


*labels – One or more GNS labels.


By default Wait is done until ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in the Configuration object associated with this GuiAppContent.

You can provide max_wait key-value for GNS label(s) in GNS file to change this. Value is considered in seconds.