arjuna.tpi.guiauto.meta.locator module

class arjuna.tpi.guiauto.meta.locator.GuiWidgetDefinition(*, type='element', fmt_args=None, **named_args)

Bases: arjuna.tpi.helper.arjtype.Dictable

Representation of indentifiers, format arguments, widget configuration and named arguments for a GuiWidget.

Keyword Arguments
  • type – type of GuiWidget. Default is ‘element’/GuiWidgetType.ELEMENT.

  • fmt_args – Dictionary of key-value pairs to format the identifiers.

  • **named_args – Named arguments representing allowed identifiers, extended identifiers, configuration options and GuiWidget arguments.

property fmt_args

Dictionary of key-value pairs to format the identifiers.

property named_args

Named arguments representing allowed identifiers, extended identifiers, configuration options and GuiWidget arguments.

property widget_type

Type of this GuiWidget.