arjuna.tpi.guiauto.base.single_widget module

class arjuna.tpi.guiauto.base.single_widget.SingleGuiWidget(gui, wmd)


Abstract claas for a single GuiWidget in the Gui.

  • gui – Gui containing this GuiWidget.

  • wmd – GuiWidgetMetaData of this GuiWidget.


Check this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Click happens only if it is currently unchecked.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Clear text of this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability.


Click on this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Waits for click to succeed.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.

property config

Configuration object associated with this GuiWidget.


De-select this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Click happens only if it is currently selected.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Mouse double click.

Waits for clickability.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.

drag(*, offset)
drop(target, *, source_offset=None, target_offset=None)

Send text to this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Click on GuiWidget is executed before send keys operation.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Get value of an attribute for this GuiWidget.


Get value of a property for this GuiWidget.


Mouse hover on this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Mouse hover and click on this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Check whether GuiWidget is checked. No dynamic waiting.


Check whether GuiWidget is clickable. No dynamic waiting.


Check whether GuiWidget is selected. No dynamic waiting.


Check whether GuiWidget is visible. No dynamic waiting.

scroll_full_height() None

Scroll full height of a GuiWidget. Applicable when it represents scrollable widgets in a Gui.


Select this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Click happens only if it is currently deselected.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.

send_keys(key_chord, wait_clickable=True)

Send KeyChord to this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Click on GuiWidget is NOT executed before send keys operation.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Send text to this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Click on GuiWidget is NOT executed before send keys operation.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.

property source: arjuna.tpi.guiauto.source.element.GuiElementSource

GuiSource object for this GuiWidget.

property text

Text contained in this GuiWidget. It is a settable property.


You can set text of this GuiWidget (Clears and enters text.) using following Python code:
element.text = "<some_text>"

Waits for clickability. Waits for text to be set as expected.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Toggle the selected/checked stage of a GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Waits for click to succeed.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Uncheck this GuiWidget.

Waits for clickability. Click happens only if it is currently checked.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Wait for clickability of this Gui Widget.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Wait for selected state of this Gui Widget.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.


Wait until visibility of this Gui Widget.

ArjunaOption.GUIAUTO_MAX_WAIT in associated configuration is used as the default. Can be overriden using max_wait argument in GuiWidgetDefinition or GNS file.