

Bases: object

Data Locale object.

When this object is passed where relevant to Random class methods, it localizes the data generated.

To create a specific locale object, you can use the dot notation.


For list of supported locales, check Supported locales. You also use the following code to get all supported locale names:

property supported

Bases: object

Provides methods to create random strings and numbers of different kinds.

classmethod address(*, locale='en', calling_code=None, city=None, country=None, country_code=None, latitude=None, longitude=None, postal_code=None, state=None, street_name=None, street_number=None, street_suffix=None)

Create an Address Data Entity object.

All individual fields are automatically randomly generated based on locale. If provided, the corresponding values are overriden.


All individual fields are randomly generated. Don’t expect correct correlation e.g. correct postal code for the generated city.

Keyword Arguments
  • locale – Approprite Random.locale.<local_name> object. Default is Random.locale.EN

  • calling_code – Calling Code

  • city – City

  • country – Country Name

  • country_code – Country Code

  • latitude – Latitude

  • longitude – Longitde

  • postal_code – Postal Code

  • state – State

  • street_name – Street Name

  • Number (street_number Street) –

  • street_suffix – Street Suffix

classmethod alphabet(*, locale='en', lower_case=False)

Generate a random integer.

Keyword Arguments
  • locale – (Optional) Locale for data

  • lower_case – (inclusive) If true lower case alphabet is returned where applicable.


A list of alphabet characters.

classmethod city(*, locale='en') str

Generate a city name.

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating city name


A generated city name

classmethod color(*, locale='en') str

Generate a random color string.

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating street name


A generated color

classmethod country(*, locale='en') str

Generate a country name

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating country name


A generated country name

classmethod email(*, locale='en', name=None, domain=None) str

Generate an email address.

Keyword Arguments
  • locale – (Optional) locale for generating email address

  • name – (Optional) If provided, then email address is created as <provided name>@<generated domain>

  • domain – (Optional) If provided, then email address is created as <generated name>@<provided domain>


A generated email address

classmethod first_name(*, locale='en') str

Generate a first name.

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating first name


A generated first name

classmethod fixed_length_number(*, length) int

Generate a fixed length number

Keyword Arguments

length – Number of digits in generated number.


A generated fixed length number


A number of minimum length 1 is always generated.

classmethod fixed_length_str(*, length) str

Generate a fixed length string

Keyword Arguments

length – Number of chracters in generated number.


A generated fixed length string


A number of minimum length 1 is always generated.

classmethod hex_color() str

Generate a hex color code.


A generated hex color code string

classmethod house_number(*, locale='en', prefix='') str

Generate a house number

Keyword Arguments
  • locale – (Optional) locale for generating house number

  • prefix – (Optional) prefix to be added to the generated house number. Space is used as delimited between prefix and generated house number.


A generated house number

classmethod int(*, end, begin=0) int

Generate a random integer.

Keyword Arguments
  • end – (inclusive) upper limit for the integer

  • begin – (inclusive) lower limit for the integer. Default is 0.


A generated integer

classmethod last_name(*, locale='en') str

Generate a last name.

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating last name


A generated last name

classmethod name(*, locale='en') str

Generate a full name (first name and last name).

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating phone number


A generated full name

classmethod person(*, locale='en', qualification=None, age=None, blood_type=None, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, gender=None, height=None, id=None, language=None, nationality=None, occupation=None, phone=None, title=None, university=None, weight=None, work_experience=None)

Create an Person Data Entity object.

All individual fields are automatically randomly generated based on locale. If provided, the corresponding values are overriden.


All individual fields are randomly generated. Don’t expect correct correlation e.g. correct postal code for the generated city.

Keyword Arguments
  • locale – Approprite Random.locale.<local_name> object. Default is Random.locale.EN

  • qualification – Educational Qualification

  • age – Age

  • blood_type – Blood type

  • email – Email address

  • first_name – First name

  • last_name – Last name

  • gender – Gender

  • height – Height

  • id – Identifier

  • language – Language

  • nationality – Nationality

  • occupation – Occupation

  • phone – Phone number

  • title – Title

  • university – University

  • weight – Weight

  • work_experience – Work Experience

classmethod phone(*, locale='en') str

Generate a phone number.

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating phone number


A generated phone number

classmethod postal_code(*, locale='en') str

Generate a postal code

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating postal code


A generated postal code

classmethod rgb_color() tuple

Generate an rgb color tuple.


RGB tuple

classmethod sentence(*, locale='en') str

Generate a sentence

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating sentence


A generated sentence

classmethod street_name(*, locale='en') str

Generate a street name

Keyword Arguments

locale – (Optional) locale for generating street name


A generated street name

classmethod street_number(*, locale='en', prefix='') str

Generate a street number

Keyword Arguments
  • locale – (Optional) locale for generating street number

  • prefix – (Optional) prefix to be added to the generated street number. Space is used as delimited between prefix and generated street number.


A generated street number

classmethod ustr(*, prefix: Optional[str] = None, maxlen: Optional[int] = None, minlen: Optional[int] = None, delim: str = '-', strict=False) str

Generate a unique UUID string. If minlen/maxlen are specified in a manner that leads to uuid truncation, uniqueness is not enforced. Base string length is prefix length + delim length + 36 (length of uuid4) Different arguments tweak the length of generated string by appending uuid one or more times fully or partially.

Keyword Arguments
  • prefix – (Optional) prefix to be added to the generated UUID string.

  • minlen – (Optional) Minimum length of the retuned string (inclusive of prefix + delim). Default is base string length.

  • maxlen – (Optional) Maximum length of the retuned string (inclusive of prefix + delim). Should be greater than minlen. Default is calculated as: * if minlen > half of base string length, then default maxlen is 2 * minlen * if minlen < half of base string length, then default maxlen is base string length

  • delim – (Optional) Delimiter between prefix and generated string. Default is “-”. Ignored if prefix is not specified.

  • strict – (Optional) If True uniqueness of string is enforced which means full generated uuid must be used atleast once. This means length of generated string must be >= base string length, else an exception is thrown.


A string that is unique for current session.

class, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Combines data in an iterable by calling the provided callable with provided arguments.

  • callable – The callable to be called in composing.

  • *args – Arbitrary positional args to be passed to the callable.

Keyword Arguments

**kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments to tbe passed to the callable.


Combine data in the provided iterable by calling the callable with arguments provided in constructor.


data_iter – Data iterable

class*generators_or_data, composer=<function _same>)


Composite Data Generator.

Generate data by composing the output of all generators, callables or static data.


*generators_or_data – Arbitrary generators, functions or static data objects.

Keyword Arguments

composer – This callable is called after data sequence is generated by passing generated data sequence as argument. Useful for data transformation of any kind.


Generate data by composing the output of all generators, callables or static data.

The composer callable is called after data sequence is generated by passing generated data sequence as argument. Useful for data transformation of any kind.

class, *args, processor=<function _same>, **kwargs)


Generate data by calling the provided callable with provided arguments.

  • callable – The callable to be called in composing. By default, same generated object is returned.

  • *args – Arbitrary positional args to be passed to the callable.

Keyword Arguments
  • processor – This callable is called after data is generated by passing generated data as argument. Useful for data transformation of any kind. If its type is string, it is assumed to be a method of the data which the data callable generated.

  • **kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments to tbe passed to the callable.


Generate data by calling the callable with arguments provided in constructor.

After generation the coverter callable is called with this data before returning the data.

class, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Processes data by calling the provided callable with provided arguments.

  • callable – The callable to be called in processing.

  • *args – Arbitrary positional args to be passed to the callable.

Keyword Arguments

**kwargs – Arbitrary keyword arguments to tbe passed to the callable.


Processes data in the provided data object by calling the callable with arguments provided in constructor.


data – Data object